Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Noelle's Post Processing Results!

Here are some pics I took of my nephews this past weekend and post-processed using Leslie Chang's great tips!

Top left- clean edit
Top right- warm b&w
Bottom left- is a a free preset called light bright colors from MCP actions
Bottom right- split tones


P.S. Don't forget to "like" Noelle's newly created facebook page, Noelle Soroka Photography


  1. What handsome boys!! It will be a difficult decision for their mom to pick her favorite. Love the cityscape in the background!

  2. Noelle, I am having a hard time deciding which edited version I like best...good thing I'm not their mom! Your photos are beautiful. I enjoyed looking at them all on your facebook page. You are very talented!!!

  3. Gorgeous! I love all the variations!

  4. awww...thanks, lovely ladies! those guys are very special to me as they are my first (and probably my only) nephews on my side of the family. they were is hard to believe that dylan (left) was 2lb, 15 oz and logan was 4lb, 14oz . now both are big boys - they will be 8 in january!
